# 设计维度传送门


# 自定义传送门方块


  "format_version": "1.10",
  "minecraft:block": {
    "description": {
      "identifier": "tutorial_demo:custom_dim_gate",
      "base_block": "portal"
    "components": {
      "minecraft:destroy_time": {
        "value": 9999
      "minecraft:loot": {
        "table": "loot_tables/empty.json"
      "minecraft:block_light_emission": {
        "emission": 1.0
      "netease:portal": {
        "target_dimension": 1688560817,
        "particle_east_west": "minecraft:portal_east_west",
        "particle_north_south": "minecraft:portal_north_south"
      "netease:listen_block_remove": {
        "value": true
  "format_version": "1.10",
  "minecraft:block": {
    "description": {
      "identifier": "tutorial_demo:custom_dim_gate_back",
      "base_block": "portal"
    "components": {
      "minecraft:destroy_time": {
        "value": 9999
      "minecraft:loot": {
        "table": "loot_tables/empty.json"
      "minecraft:block_light_emission": {
        "emission": 1.0
      "netease:portal": {
        "target_dimension": 0,
        "particle_east_west": "minecraft:portal_east_west",
        "particle_north_south": "minecraft:portal_north_south"
      "netease:listen_block_remove": {
        "value": true


# 设计传送门结构


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import math
import mod.server.extraServerApi as serverApi
from mod_log import engine_logger as logger
ServerSystem = serverApi.GetServerSystemCls()
compFactory = serverApi.GetEngineCompFactory()

# 服务端类
# 处理传送门逻辑
class Main(ServerSystem):
	def __init__(self, namespace, system):
		ServerSystem.__init__(self, namespace, system)
		# 自定义维度1688560817
		self.TARGET_DIMENSION_ID = 1688560817
		# 从主世界去自定义维度自定义方块
		self.telePortBlockName = 'tutorial_demo:custom_dim_gate'
		# 从自定义维度回主世界自定义方块
		self.backPortBlockName = 'tutorial_demo:custom_dim_gate_back'
		# portal forcer功能常量
		self.PORTAL_RECORDS_KEY = 'tutorial_demo'
		self.PORTAL_RECORD_SPAN = 'Span'
		# 传送门结构方块的形状
		self.pattern = [
		self.defines = {
			'#': 'minecraft:glowstone',
			'*': 'minecraft:air'

		# 设置传送门边框可激活的位置
		self.touchPos =[(3,1), (3,2)]

		self.ListenForEvent(serverApi.GetEngineNamespace(), serverApi.GetEngineSystemName(), 'ServerItemUseOnEvent', self, self.OnServerItemUseOnEvent)
		self.ListenForEvent(serverApi.GetEngineNamespace(), serverApi.GetEngineSystemName(), 'DimensionChangeFinishServerEvent', self, self.OnPortalForcerServerEvent)
		self.ListenForEvent(serverApi.GetEngineNamespace(), serverApi.GetEngineSystemName(), 'BlockRemoveServerEvent', self, self.OnBlockRemoveServerEvent)
		self.ShowMsg("Portal Main init!")

	#region 功能函数
	def ShowMsg(self, msg, color='RED', isServer=True):
		customComp = compFactory.CreateGame(serverApi.GetLevelId())
		text = ("[服务端]" if isServer else "[客户端]") +  msg
		customComp.SetNotifyMsg(text, serverApi.GenerateColor(color))

	def SetBlock(self, playerID, blockPos, blockName):
		block = compFactory.CreateBlockInfo(playerID)
		return block.SetBlockNew(blockPos, {'name': blockName, 'aux': 0})

	def AddPostion(self, origin, offset):
		return tuple(map(sum, zip(origin, offset)))

	def MulPostion(self, origin, step):
		return tuple(step * x for x in origin)
	#end region 功能函数

	#region 构建传送门函数

	# 填充传送门 填充 传送门方块
	def FillGateAirBlock(self, playerID, originPos, horizontalDir):
		param playerID: 玩家Id
		param originPos: 传送门起始位置(左上角/右上角的位置)
		param horizontalDir: 传送门方向,如(-1,0,0)
		logger.info("FillGameAirBlock pos:({},{},{}) dir:({},{},{})".format(originPos[0], originPos[1], originPos[2], horizontalDir[0], horizontalDir[1], horizontalDir[2]))
		comp = compFactory.CreateDimension(playerID)
		dimensionId = comp.GetEntityDimensionId()
		blockName = self.backPortBlockName if dimensionId == self.TARGET_DIMENSION_ID else self.telePortBlockName
		bottomLeftPos = originPos
		linePos = originPos
		for line in self.pattern:
			for i in range(len(line)):
				name = self.defines.get(line[i], 'minecraft:air')
				pos = self.AddPostion(linePos, self.MulPostion(horizontalDir, i))
				if (pos[0] == bottomLeftPos[0] and pos[1] <= bottomLeftPos[1] and pos[2] <= bottomLeftPos[2]) or \
					pos[2] == bottomLeftPos[2] and pos[1] <= bottomLeftPos[1] and pos[0] <= bottomLeftPos[0]:
						# Y最小同时X最小(或者Z最小)的点
						bottomLeftPos = pos
				logger.info("FillGameAirBlock cur pos:({},{},{})".format(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
				if name == 'minecraft:air':
					self.SetBlock(playerID, pos, blockName)
			linePos = self.AddPostion(linePos, (0, -1, 0))
		# 保存传送门到存档
		self.AddPortalRecord(dimensionId, bottomLeftPos, self.getSpan())

	# 使用骨粉激活传送门
	def OnServerItemUseOnEvent(self, eventData):
		itemName = eventData['itemName']
		auxValue = eventData['auxValue']
		playerID = eventData['entityId']
		if itemName == "minecraft:dye" and auxValue == 15:
			# 骨粉激活传送门
			pos = (eventData['x'], eventData['y'], eventData['z'])
			# 检测自定义门的结构
			portalComp = compFactory.CreatePortal(playerID)
			ret = portalComp.DetectStructure(playerID, self.pattern, self.defines, self.touchPos, pos)
			if ret[0]:
				self.FillGateAirBlock(playerID, ret[1], ret[2])
				def consumeDye():
					itemComp = compFactory.CreateItem(playerID)
					item = itemComp.GetPlayerItem(serverApi.GetMinecraftEnum().ItemPosType.CARRIED, 0)
					item["count"] = item["count"] - 1
					newRet = itemComp.SpawnItemToPlayerCarried(item, playerID)
					if newRet:
				comp = compFactory.CreateGame(serverApi.GetLevelId())
				comp.AddTimer(0.1, consumeDye)

	def OnBlockRemoveServerEvent(self, args):
		dimension = args['dimension']
		blockName = args['fullName']
		# 以“底部最左边的点”为key寻找并删除传送门记录
		self.RemovePortalRecord(dimension, args['x'], args['y'], args['z'], blockName)

	# 保存传送门数据到level extraData中
	def AddPortalRecord(self, dimensionId, pos, span):
		logger.info("add portal record dim:{} pos:({},{},{})".format(dimensionId, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
		entitycomp = compFactory.CreateExtraData(serverApi.GetLevelId())
		portalsRecordDict = entitycomp.GetExtraData(self.PORTAL_RECORDS_KEY)
		if not portalsRecordDict:
			portalsRecordDict = {}
		if dimensionId not in portalsRecordDict:
			portalsRecordDict[dimensionId] = []
		# 以‘底部最左边的点’作为key存储该传送门
		record = {
			self.PORTAL_RECORD_DIMID: dimensionId,
			self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPX: pos[0],
			self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPY: pos[1],
			self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPZ: pos[2],
			self.PORTAL_RECORD_SPAN: span,
		entitycomp.SetExtraData(self.PORTAL_RECORDS_KEY, portalsRecordDict)
		return record

	# 以“底部最左边的点”为key删除level extraData保存的数据
	def RemovePortalRecord(self, dimensionId, x, y, z, blockName):
		name = self.backPortBlockName if dimensionId == self.TARGET_DIMENSION_ID else self.telePortBlockName
		defines = {
			'#': 'minecraft:glowstone',
			'*': name
		if blockName != name:
			return False
		patternLen = len(self.pattern)
		portalPosArray = []
		for i in xrange(patternLen): # 高度
			line = self.pattern[i]
			for j in range(len(line)): # 宽度
				name = defines.get(line[j], 'minecraft:air')
				if name == blockName:
					bottomLeftMostPos = (x - j, y + i - patternLen + 1, z)
					if self.RemoveAndSavePortalRecordAt(bottomLeftMostPos, dimensionId):
						return True
					bottomLeftMostPos = (x, y + i - patternLen + 1, z - j)
					if self.RemoveAndSavePortalRecordAt(bottomLeftMostPos, dimensionId):
						return True
		return False

	def RemoveAndSavePortalRecordAt(self, pos, dimensionId):
		entitycomp = compFactory.CreateExtraData(serverApi.GetLevelId())
		portalsRecordDict = entitycomp.GetExtraData(self.PORTAL_RECORDS_KEY)
		if not portalsRecordDict or dimensionId not in portalsRecordDict:
			return False
		records = portalsRecordDict[dimensionId]
		for rec in records:
			if rec[self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPX] == pos[0] and \
					rec[self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPY] == pos[1] and \
					rec[self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPZ] == pos[2]:
				entitycomp.SetExtraData(self.PORTAL_RECORDS_KEY, portalsRecordDict)
				return True
		return False
	#end region 构建传送门函数

# 在传送终点生成返回传送门


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import math
import mod.server.extraServerApi as serverApi
from mod_log import engine_logger as logger
ServerSystem = serverApi.GetServerSystemCls()
compFactory = serverApi.GetEngineCompFactory()

# 服务端类
# 处理传送门逻辑
class Main(ServerSystem):
	def __init__(self, namespace, system):
		ServerSystem.__init__(self, namespace, system)
		# 自定义维度23333
		self.TARGET_DIMENSION_ID = 23333
		# 从主世界去自定义维度自定义方块
		self.telePortBlockName = 'portalGateDemo:gateProtal'
		# 从自定义维度回主世界自定义方块
		self.backPortBlockName = 'portalGateDemo:gateProtalBack'
		# portal forcer功能常量
		self.PORTAL_RECORDS_KEY = 'ModPortalRecords'
		self.PORTAL_RECORD_SPAN = 'Span'
		# 传送门结构方块的形状
		self.pattern = [
		self.defines = {
			'#': 'minecraft:glowstone',
			'*': 'minecraft:air'

		# 设置传送门边框可激活的位置
		self.touchPos =[(3,1), (3,2)]

		self.ListenForEvent(serverApi.GetEngineNamespace(), serverApi.GetEngineSystemName(), 'ServerItemUseOnEvent', self, self.OnServerItemUseOnEvent)
		self.ListenForEvent(serverApi.GetEngineNamespace(), serverApi.GetEngineSystemName(), 'DimensionChangeFinishServerEvent', self, self.OnPortalForcerServerEvent)
		self.ListenForEvent(serverApi.GetEngineNamespace(), serverApi.GetEngineSystemName(), 'BlockRemoveServerEvent', self, self.OnBlockRemoveServerEvent)
		self.ShowMsg("Portal Main init!")

	#region 功能函数
	def ShowMsg(self, msg, color='RED', isServer=True):
		customComp = compFactory.CreateGame(serverApi.GetLevelId())
		text = ("[服务端]" if isServer else "[客户端]") +  msg
		customComp.SetNotifyMsg(text, serverApi.GenerateColor(color))

	def SetBlock(self, playerID, blockPos, blockName):
		block = compFactory.CreateBlockInfo(playerID)
		return block.SetBlockNew(blockPos, {'name': blockName, 'aux': 0})

	def AddPostion(self, origin, offset):
		return tuple(map(sum, zip(origin, offset)))

	def MulPostion(self, origin, step):
		return tuple(step * x for x in origin)
	#end region 功能函数

	#region 构建传送门函数

	# 填充传送门 填充 传送门方块
	def FillGateAirBlock(self, playerID, originPos, horizontalDir):
		param playerID: 玩家Id
		param originPos: 传送门起始位置(左上角/右上角的位置)
		param horizontalDir: 传送门方向,如(-1,0,0)
		logger.info("FillGameAirBlock pos:({},{},{}) dir:({},{},{})".format(originPos[0], originPos[1], originPos[2], horizontalDir[0], horizontalDir[1], horizontalDir[2]))
		comp = compFactory.CreateDimension(playerID)
		dimensionId = comp.GetEntityDimensionId()
		blockName = self.backPortBlockName if dimensionId == self.TARGET_DIMENSION_ID else self.telePortBlockName
		bottomLeftPos = originPos
		linePos = originPos
		for line in self.pattern:
			for i in range(len(line)):
				name = self.defines.get(line[i], 'minecraft:air')
				pos = self.AddPostion(linePos, self.MulPostion(horizontalDir, i))
				if (pos[0] == bottomLeftPos[0] and pos[1] <= bottomLeftPos[1] and pos[2] <= bottomLeftPos[2]) or \
					pos[2] == bottomLeftPos[2] and pos[1] <= bottomLeftPos[1] and pos[0] <= bottomLeftPos[0]:
						# Y最小同时X最小(或者Z最小)的点
						bottomLeftPos = pos
				logger.info("FillGameAirBlock cur pos:({},{},{})".format(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
				if name == 'minecraft:air':
					self.SetBlock(playerID, pos, blockName)
			linePos = self.AddPostion(linePos, (0, -1, 0))
		# 保存传送门到存档
		self.AddPortalRecord(dimensionId, bottomLeftPos, self.getSpan())

	# 使用骨粉激活传送门
	def OnServerItemUseOnEvent(self, eventData):
		itemName = eventData['itemName']
		auxValue = eventData['auxValue']
		playerID = eventData['entityId']
		if itemName == "minecraft:dye" and auxValue == 15:
			# 骨粉激活传送门
			pos = (eventData['x'], eventData['y'], eventData['z'])
			# 检测自定义门的结构
			portalComp = compFactory.CreatePortal(playerID)
			ret = portalComp.DetectStructure(playerID, self.pattern, self.defines, self.touchPos, pos)
			if ret[0]:
				self.FillGateAirBlock(playerID, ret[1], ret[2])
				def consumeDye():
					itemComp = compFactory.CreateItem(playerID)
					item = itemComp.GetPlayerItem(serverApi.GetMinecraftEnum().ItemPosType.CARRIED, 0)
					item["count"] = item["count"] - 1
					newRet = itemComp.SpawnItemToPlayerCarried(item, playerID)
					if newRet:
				comp = compFactory.CreateGame(serverApi.GetLevelId())
				comp.AddTimer(0.1, consumeDye)

	def OnBlockRemoveServerEvent(self, args):
		dimension = args['dimension']
		blockName = args['fullName']
		# 以“底部最左边的点”为key寻找并删除传送门记录
		self.RemovePortalRecord(dimension, args['x'], args['y'], args['z'], blockName)

	def OnPortalForcerServerEvent(self, args):
		entityId = args['playerId']
		toDimensionId = args['toDimensionId']
		self.PortalForcer(entityId, toDimensionId)

	# portal forcer实例
	def PortalForcer(self, entityId, toDimensionId):
		pos = compFactory.CreatePos(entityId).GetPos()
		if not pos:
			return False
		ret = self.FindPortal(toDimensionId, pos, self.PORTAL_SEARCH_RADIUS)
		if ret[0]:
			self.TravelPlayerToPortal(entityId, ret[1], toDimensionId)
			self.ShowMsg("在玩家附近找到传送门({}),并且把玩家从{}移动到该传送门附近".format(ret[1], pos))

		record = self.CreatePortal(entityId, toDimensionId, self.PORTAL_CREATION_RADIUS)
		target = self.FindClosestBlockPosToPortal(entityId, record)
		self.TravelPlayerToPortal(entityId, target, toDimensionId)

	# 寻找附近一个位置设置传送门
	def FindNearPosAndSetPortal(self, entityId, dimensionId, pos):
		defines = {
			'#': 'minecraft:glowstone',
			'*': self.backPortBlockName if dimensionId == self.TARGET_DIMENSION_ID else self.telePortBlockName
		blockComp = compFactory.CreateBlockInfo(entityId)
		for line in self.pattern: # 高度
			for i in range(len(line)): # 宽度
				blockName = defines.get(line[i], 'minecraft:air')
				blockPos = (pos[0] + i, pos[1], pos[2])
				logger.info("create portal with pos:{}".format(blockPos))
				blockComp.SetBlockNew(blockPos, {'name': blockName, 'aux': 0})
			# 坐标自减
			pos[1] -= 1
		# 返回传送门“底部最左边的点”
		return pos
	def GetPortalHeight(self):
		return len(self.pattern)
	def GetPortalWidth(self):
		width = 0
		for line in self.pattern:
			if len(line) > width:
				width = len(line)
		return width

	# 在玩家附近查找的传送门,返回是否存在传送门、传送门的坐标
	def FindPortal(self, dimensionId, centerBlockPos, radius):
		closest = -1 # 最近的距离
		targetBlockPos = (0, 0, 0)
		entitycomp = compFactory.CreateExtraData(serverApi.GetLevelId())
		# 在存档中读取传送门信息
		portalsRecordDict = entitycomp.GetExtraData(self.PORTAL_RECORDS_KEY)
		if not portalsRecordDict:
			portalsRecordDict = {}
		if dimensionId not in portalsRecordDict:
			# 存储的信息中不存在传送门
			return False, targetBlockPos

		for rec in portalsRecordDict[dimensionId]:
			# “底部最左边的点”作为key
			baseBlockPos = (rec[self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPX], rec[self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPY], rec[self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPZ])
			for span in xrange(0, rec[self.PORTAL_RECORD_SPAN]):
				recordBlockPos = (baseBlockPos[0] + span, baseBlockPos[1] + span, baseBlockPos[2])
				# search area x by y (at all heights)
				xd = abs(recordBlockPos[0] - centerBlockPos[0])
				zd = abs(recordBlockPos[1] - centerBlockPos[1])
				if xd <= radius and zd <= radius:
					# 根据欧拉距离选择最新的点
					dist = self.EuclideanDistance(recordBlockPos, centerBlockPos)
					if closest < 0 or dist < closest:
						closest = dist
						targetBlockPos = recordBlockPos

		return closest >= 0, targetBlockPos

	# 创建传送门
	def CreatePortal(self, entityId, dimensionId, radius):
		entityPos = compFactory.CreatePos(entityId).GetPos()
		entityBlockPos =[math.floor(entityPos[0]) - self.GetPortalWidth() / 2, math.floor(entityPos[1]) - 2 + self.GetPortalHeight(), math.floor(entityPos[2])]
		logger.info("player current position:{} portal begin position:{}".format(entityPos, entityBlockPos))
		entityBlockPos = self.FindNearPosAndSetPortal(entityId, dimensionId, entityBlockPos)
		return self.AddPortalRecord(dimensionId, entityBlockPos, self.getSpan())

	# 保存传送门数据到level extraData中
	def AddPortalRecord(self, dimensionId, pos, span):
		logger.info("add portal record dim:{} pos:({},{},{})".format(dimensionId, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
		entitycomp = compFactory.CreateExtraData(serverApi.GetLevelId())
		portalsRecordDict = entitycomp.GetExtraData(self.PORTAL_RECORDS_KEY)
		if not portalsRecordDict:
			portalsRecordDict = {}
		if dimensionId not in portalsRecordDict:
			portalsRecordDict[dimensionId] = []
		# 以‘底部最左边的点’作为key存储该传送门
		record = {
			self.PORTAL_RECORD_DIMID: dimensionId,
			self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPX: pos[0],
			self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPY: pos[1],
			self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPZ: pos[2],
			self.PORTAL_RECORD_SPAN: span,
		entitycomp.SetExtraData(self.PORTAL_RECORDS_KEY, portalsRecordDict)
		return record

	# 获取玩家离传送门相对比较近的位置
	def FindClosestBlockPosToPortal(self, entityId, record):
		pos = (record[self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPX], record[self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPY], record[self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPZ])
		# 该位置开发者可以根据需要设定
		# 注意该位置有可能不是空气,所以在选择位置时需要注意
		return tuple((x + 2 for x in pos))

	def LengthSquared(self, pos):
		return pos[0] * pos[0] + pos[1] * pos[1] + pos[2] * pos[2]

	# 把玩家的位置设置到传送门附近
	def TravelPlayerToPortal(self, entityId, targetBlockPos, dimensionId):
		entityTargetPos = tuple((x + 0.5 for x in targetBlockPos))
		originRot = compFactory.CreateRot(entityId).GetRot()
		entityRotY = originRot[1]
		if dimensionId == self.TARGET_DIMENSION_ID:
			entityRotY += 90
			entityRotY -= 90
		newRot = (originRot[0], entityRotY)
		logger.info("set position:({}, {})".format(entityTargetPos[0], entityTargetPos[1]))

	# 计算两点的欧拉距离
	def EuclideanDistance(self, pos1, pos2):
		dx = pos1[0] - pos2[0]
		dy = pos1[1] - pos2[1]
		dz = pos1[2] - pos2[2]
		return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz

	# 自定义传送门的最大宽度
	def getSpan(self):
		span = 1
		for line in self.pattern:
			if len(line) > span:
				span = len(line)
		return span

	# 以“底部最左边的点”为key删除level extraData保存的数据
	def RemovePortalRecord(self, dimensionId, x, y, z, blockName):
		name = self.backPortBlockName if dimensionId == self.TARGET_DIMENSION_ID else self.telePortBlockName
		defines = {
			'#': 'minecraft:glowstone',
			'*': name
		if blockName != name:
			return False
		patternLen = len(self.pattern)
		portalPosArray = []
		for i in xrange(patternLen): # 高度
			line = self.pattern[i]
			for j in range(len(line)): # 宽度
				name = defines.get(line[j], 'minecraft:air')
				if name == blockName:
					bottomLeftMostPos = (x - j, y + i - patternLen + 1, z)
					if self.RemoveAndSavePortalRecordAt(bottomLeftMostPos, dimensionId):
						return True
					bottomLeftMostPos = (x, y + i - patternLen + 1, z - j)
					if self.RemoveAndSavePortalRecordAt(bottomLeftMostPos, dimensionId):
						return True
		return False

	def RemoveAndSavePortalRecordAt(self, pos, dimensionId):
		entitycomp = compFactory.CreateExtraData(serverApi.GetLevelId())
		portalsRecordDict = entitycomp.GetExtraData(self.PORTAL_RECORDS_KEY)
		if not portalsRecordDict or dimensionId not in portalsRecordDict:
			return False
		records = portalsRecordDict[dimensionId]
		for rec in records:
			if rec[self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPX] == pos[0] and \
					rec[self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPY] == pos[1] and \
					rec[self.PORTAL_RECORD_TPZ] == pos[2]:
				entitycomp.SetExtraData(self.PORTAL_RECORDS_KEY, portalsRecordDict)
				return True
		return False
	#end region 构建传送门函数






